Configure and Instantiate the model with SelfieSegmentationModelBuilder
@interface SelfieSegmentationModelBuilder : NSObject
- (instancetype _Nonnull)init;
* \brief Creates a new instance of \a SelfieSegmentationModel.
* \param error Object containing error information if model instantiation fails.
* \returns Pointer to the new instance of \a SelfieSegmentationModel if instantiation
* is successful, \a nil otherwise.
* \note Model instantiation is a blocking call which can take some time, therefore
* this should be done on a separate serial dispatch queue.
* That won't block the main queue which keeps the UI responsive.
- (SelfieSegmentationModel* _Nullable)build:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nonnull)error;
do { self.selfieSegmentationModel =trySelfieSegmentationModelBuilder() .build()} catch {fatalError("Failed to instantiate selfie segmentation model: \(error.localizedDescription)")}
Model instantiation is a blocking call that can take some time, therefore this should be done on a separate serial dispatch queue. That won't block the main queue which keeps the UI responsive.
Schedule the task with SelfieSegmentationModel.segment method when the model is instantiated
SelfieSegmentationModel returns its results through the SelfieSegmentationDelegate
@protocol SelfieSegmentationDelegate <NSObject>
* \brief Callback triggered whenever the \a SelfieSegmentationModel completes the
* processing of the passed frame.
* \param model The \a SelfieSegmentationModel that acquired provided mask
* \param mask The MaskData instance with representation of mask values
- (void)selfieSegmentationModel:(SelfieSegmentationModel* _Nonnull)model
didOutputMask:(MaskData* _Nonnull)mask;
EachMaskData instance is represented with the following class
@interface MaskData : NSObject
* \brief Width of the mask.
@property (readonly, nonatomic) int width;
* \brief Height of the mask.
@property (readonly, nonatomic) int height;
* \brief Creates a non-owning NSData view to the raw mask bytes.
* \returns Pointer to the instance of \a NSData, which represents the
* raw binary mask values.
- (NSData* _Nonnull) getDataView;
* \brief Converts the mask to UIImage format.
* \returns Pointer to the instance of \a UIImage, where the foreground has zero values
* and background has non-zero alpha values.
* \note The mask should be overlaid on the image. The background will be replaced
* by black color in the final image.
- (UIImage*) asUIImage;
* \brief Applies blur filter to the image background using the mask.
* \param image The image in UIImage format, for which the mask was created.
* \returns Pointer to the instance of \a UIImage containing the submitted image
* with the blurred background.
- (UIImage*) applyBlur:(UIImage*)image;